At Hill West

At Hill West
Parents have told us they would recommend our school to other parents because;

- “We ensure our children have a positive learning environment, including feeling safe and supported at school.”
- “We encourage our children to be curious about their learning.”
- “Their children love school and are always excited to attend.”
- “We value traditions and develop a true sense of belonging.”
- “We support children’s emotional well-being and mental health.”
- “We have thought carefully about our wide and varied curriculum offer.”
- “We ensure children have excellent opportunities to achieve well academically.”
- “Of our wonderful kindness and warm approach.”
- “Our encouragement for children to view the world, their classmates and others with curiosity rather than judgement.”
About or School
We are a happy school at the heart of our community. Our children love to learn. They make excellent progress and attainment is well above national average and has been for a number of years. Teaching is creative and lively and a robust programme of continued professional development ensures that staff are always developing professionally. Leadership at all levels is ambitious and focused on continual improvement. Children have a real thirst for knowledge and want to learn. We understand that children’s well-being and excellent physical and mental health is essential if they are going to succeed academically.
At Hill West we understand that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals in school make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. Staff working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’. The designated safeguarding lead at Hill West is the Head Teacher, Dr Clarke. There are a number of deputy safeguarding leads and these include all Deputy Head Teachers and Assistant Head Teachers.
We have two classes in each of our year groups and our classes are named after British birds or wildlife.
Our Classes
Reception are called Robins and Wrens
Year One are called Swifts and Swallows
Year Two are called Owls and Kingfishers
Year Three are called Rabbits and Hedgehogs
Year Four are called Moles and Squirrels
Year Five are called Badgers and Hares
Year Six are called Otters and Foxes
On entry to school the children are assigned to one of the two classes in each of our year groups. The decision as to which class a child enters is carefully thought through and all of the necessary contextual information is considered. Our children then remain in their assigned class as they move through school.