Ofsted and Department for Education

We are a GOOD school.
Our most recent Ofsted Inspection was in March 2022 and we were extremely pleased with the findings which recognised the real and many strengths of our school.
Particularly pleasing were the findings that:
- There is a determination from leaders that all pupils will succeed.
- Teachers check what pupils know and can do. They use this information to plan learning that enables pupils to progress and succeed.
- Pupils feel safe in school
- Pupils know what it means to live in modern Britain. They talk knowledgeably about being different, unique and living side by side respectfully.
- Pupils know they have a range of opportunities open to them and see university as something to aspire to.
- Residential visits to Wales and France, live on in pupils’ memories for years to come.
- Our new curriculum plans have brought about positive change to pupils’ learning
- Pupils with SEND receive a range of help. This support meets the learning and personal needs of most pupils.
- We encourage reading for pleasure with older children reminiscing about books they have read
- The highly effective practices in early years underpinned by the emphasis on communication and vocabulary.
- The effectiveness of personal development and the encouragement pupils get to be healthy in body and mind.
- The encouragement pupils get to behave well – the high expectations set by leaders
- Leaders know our families well.
“Reading is a strength of the school… every pupil is getting better at reading. Older pupils reminisce with fondness on the range of texts they have read over time. They spoke with passion about which was their favourite and why. Pupils achieve well in reading”.
The next steps for our school were identified as
- Ensuring every curriculum area is sufficiently well planned and sequenced to support teachers’ delivery
- Leaders making sure that our high expectations for pupils’ behaviour are understood by all, and consistently applied.
- Leaders ensuring individual plans for pupils with SEND help staff to get the balance right between meeting their social and emotional needs, and their academic development.