ATLP and Hill West Governance

Governance Arrangements 2024-2025
Following reviews in 2020 and 2021, the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership implemented a new model for local school oversight. Defined academy representative roles known as Advocates (formerly known as governor’s) collaborate with school leaders and Trustees to enhance the strategic priorities of individual schools and the Trust as a whole.

The structure reflects the Trust and its school’s single shared vision, a single Board of trustees and a single scheme of delegation. The governance structure is designed to reflect the overall legal responsibility of the Trust Board, and the direct link between individual school representation to both individual school and trustees.
For more information, please click here
Our Advocates are:
Support and Challenge: Mrs Anna Howe (appointed September 2022)
Safeguarding: Mrs Gill Jones (appointed September 2022)
Community: Position currently vacant
Vulnerable Children: Miss Claire Jones (appointed December 2024)
Working together is about better teaching and a broader curriculum for pupils; greater leadership and development opportunities for teachers; and more efficiency and impact from financial and other resources. These benefits are most fully realised when school-to-school collaboration is consolidated through formalised cross-school governance arrangements. When boards govern a group of schools we also then see further improvement in the quality of governance – as boards gain a more strategic perspective. All boards, however many schools they govern, need people with skills appropriate to the scale and nature of their role; and no more people than they need to have all the necessary skills to be effective.
(John Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools, January 2017).