Your Voice Matters

What you have told us and what we have done about it…
Autumn Term 2019 | You didn’t want the Kitchen to continue using plastic straws. | The kitchen were stopped serving drinks with plastic straws. |
Spring Term 2020 | You were concerned about what was happening globally in relation to climate change. | We developed a climate change charter. We began campaigning. |
Summer Term 2020 | You told us you missed coming to school and playing with your friends. | Class teachers phoned to speak to you each week and ask you about your learning at home. |
Autumn Term 2020 | You were pleased to be back at school but sometimes friendships were tricky. You were still worried about the pandemic. | We taught personal development and well-being lessons each day to support your mental health and wider friendships. |
Spring Term 2021 | You told us you missed coming to school and playing with your friends. | We encouraged that you attended live lessons with your teacher and class peers everyday. |
Summer Term 2021 | You wanted to start your campaigning work again (even though this had happened somewhat during lockdown) to make a difference globally. | We supported you to write to the Prime Minister and we welcomed the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell to school so you could discuss matters of importance to you. |
Autumn Term 2021 | You told us that some of your peers were finding it difficult to manage their emotions and behaviours. | We introduced restorative conversations to support your peers as a teaching intervention. |
Spring Term 2022 | You told us that you would like to reinstate our sustainability group and improve our planting and growing. | Children were invited to write a letter of application to be a member of our newly appointed sustainability group who now meet each week. |
Summer Term 2022 | You told us you wanted to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in a sustainable way. | We planted a Willow Tree to commemorate this important milestone. |
Autumn Term 2022 | You told us that you felt that some teachers made too many exceptions for some children’s behaviour in class | Introduced a consistent behaviour rationale across school underpinned by WALKTHRUs (set high expectations; signal, pause, insist; Positive Framing). |
Spring Term 2023 | You told us that you wanted to re-instate our vegetable garden | We invited members of our school community to join us in our drive to grown our own veg. The beds have been planted and we are awaiting the harvest. |
Summer Term 2023 | You told us you wanted to mark the Coronation of King Charles III in a sustainable way. | We planted a Silver Birch to commemorate this important milestone. |
Summer Term 2023 | You told us you wanted us to listen to you had to say about our school. | We have sent out a pupil voice questionnaire so that you can tell us how we are doing. |
Autumn Term 2023 | You told us that sometimes bullying is a problem at Hill West. | We have weekly bullying assemblies on a Monday. Weekly bullying questionnaires are issued to pupils once a week and are followed up by the Head Teacher weekly. |
Spring Term 2024 | You told us that you wanted to raise awareness for children affected by war. | We held a Day of Peace in school where children took part in activities to raise awareness and money was raised for supporting charities. |
Summer Term 2024 | You told us that assemblies felt repetitive at times. You told us that you were concerned about the environment in our local area. | We introduced more visitors and rotated teachers who deliver assemblies. We also re-introduced weekly singing assemblies. We planted lots of wildflowers to encourage the local bee population and maintained the flowers and vegetables in our garden. We installed and maintained bird feeders across our school grounds. |
Autumn Term 2024 | You told us you needed more to do during break times. | We purchased new play equipment for KS1 and KS2 playgrounds and retrained a group of play leaders to support play across the school with new games and activities. KS2 volunteers spend their lunch time with younger ones to support them and facilitate play and inclusion. |