Meet our Governor Advocates

Governor Advocates at Hill West are highly ambitious for the school, our children and the wider ATLP. Advocates are individuals who

  • Are excited to contribute to the ATLP’s continued efforts to deliver the very best for our children, their families and their communities.
  • Can commit to the ATLP vision of ‘One Trust’ and embrace the culture of one learning family, where we all have a responsibility for all our children through our actions, our values and our working practice.
  • Are willing to commit time and energy – not just preparing for and attending meetings, but to inspirer, challenge and support the leadership team and to engage with the local school community to truly bring tis voice through into decision-making processes and leadership forums.
  • Are innovative thinkers able to stimulate and contribute to well-rounded and carefully considered strategic input.
  • Have the highest aspirations for the ATLP schools and strive for excellence at all times.
  • Are dedicated and committed and self-motivated
  • Have a commitment to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.

Please click on each governors name for more information

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Mrs Anna Howe

Support and Challenge Advocate

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Mrs Gill Jones

Safeguarding Advocate

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Dr Beth Clarke

Head Teacher

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Mrs Hannah Roman

Community Advocate

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Claire Jones

Vulnerable Children Advocate