Online Safety

Filtering and Monitoring
The well being of our children is our highest priority and as such Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Hill West Primary School. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard children from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Incidents are recorded and managed in line with our On-line Safety Policy.
Teaching On-line Safety
At Hill West, we have adopted a whole school scheme of work to teach about Online Safety. The scheme called ProjectEVOLVE, is underpinned by the priorities outlined by the UK Council for Internet Safety ensuring that our children are taught a broad and relevant on-line safety curriculum. This is complimented by the teaching of Personal Development and Well-Being where on-line safety is integrated with the teaching of relationships. Online safety is taught to all pupils from reception through to Year 6, ensuring that all children know how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.
Throughout school we aim to teach children:
- about the impact of cyber-bullying and what to do if they have been affected.
- about their digit footprint and that they are accountable for the actions online.
- to be vigilant when communicating online recognising that people may not always be who they say they are and to be sensible about what they share.
- to tell an adult they trust if something is upsetting them.
- to question the reliability of information given through a web based source.
- to search responsibly for information while using internet browsers.
We take the issue of Online Safety very seriously and our procedures and policies are reviewed annually. If you wish to contact us regarding any Online Safety issues, please email and share the relevant information for the attention of your child’s Phase Leader.
We believe that it is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online. The information below will support you during some of those conversations to help you make informed decisions about what your child accesses online.
Safer Schools England Application

We believe that safeguarding works best when it’s an entire school community approach. We recommend downloading the Safer Schools England app where you can find lots of helpful and up to date information and advice straight to your phone. To link with our school please contact the school office for the activation code.
Below are guides from National Online Safety which should help you when talking to your children about staying safe online.