Parent Council


The Parent Council is made up of a group of parents, representative of each of the year group and ideally each class in the school.   The regular monthly meetings provide a forum for discussion with the Head teacher to help influence decisions made about the school, and in so doing make a real contribution to the school improvement.   


The Parent Council works in partnership with the school to:

  • Create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents promoting partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents
  • Ensure the children at Hill West have the best possible experience at school.
  • Develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
  • Identify and represent the views of parents on matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils

Support the work of the School and the ATLP (Arthur Terry Learning Partnership).


The Hill West Parent Council has a consultative and advisory role. The remit of the Council is that of a discussion forum and advisory body, it is not a mechanism for dealing with complaints of any description.  It will discuss/debate general issues that affect the welfare and safety of all children. The following is a non-exhaustive list of matters on which the Parent Council will provide a forum for consultation and advice:

  • Policies, procedures and protocols which affect the day-to-day operation of the school e.g. start and finish times, after-school club provision, uniform, extra-curricular activities
  • Systems of communication between the school and parents on matters concerning the operation of the school.
  • Matters designed to foster greater parental participation and engagement in the education of pupils by all parents, i.e. family learning sessions.

Some topics cannot be addressed by the Parent Council and should be referred directly by individual parents to the class teacher in the first instance or a member of the school leadership team (Assistant Head/Deputy Head/Head Teacher). This includes matters associated with:

  • School policies and procedures relating to general curriculum issues & details
  • Issues relating to individual children or staff
  • Individual complaints or grievances  


The Parent Council will be the forum for gathering, discussing & conveying parental views to the school. It will be involved in identifying priorities for the School Development Plan and making recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team.

The Parent Council will meet monthly. Notes will be taken during meetings and these will be made available to all parents and staff.  Meetings will be conducted in a positive spirit, be constructive and solution focused. The impact of its work and Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually by the Parent Council at the end of each academic year, initiated by the Chair.


Membership of the Parent Council is open to all parents and carers who have a child currently at our School.

  • One elected volunteer parent from each year group (as a minimum); ideally each class
  • One elected volunteer parent to act as Chair
  • One elected volunteer parent to act as Vice Chair
  • Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher
  • Other members of staff will be invited to meetings as appropriate.

Before the end of the academic year, the existing Chair will organise members of the Council to elect a new Chair and vice-chair whose function it will be to organise and guide the work of the Council in consultation with the school. The term of office for each member shall be 1 year renewable upon further election.

In addition, current Council members will seek a replacement representative from their year group or seek re-election for a further year. The school will invite volunteer nominations for representatives from the newly started Reception classes and inform the Chair by the end of September.

If a Parent Council member acts in a way that is considered by other members to undermine the objectives of the Parent Council, their membership of the Parent Council shall be terminated if the majority of parent members agree.  Termination of membership would be confirmed in writing to the member by the Chair.


Reception –

Year 1 – Miss Norton

Year 2 – Mrs Roman

Year 3 – Mr Shoker and Mrs Carroll

Year 4 – Mrs Fairbanks

Year 5 – Mrs Clements and Mrs Botts

Year 6 – Mrs Taylor

Before the end of the academic year, the existing Chair will organise members of the Council to elect a new Chair and vice-chair whose function it will be to organise and guide the work of the Council in consultation with the school. The term of office for each member shall be 1 year renewable upon further election.

In addition, current Council members will seek a replacement representative from their year group or seek re-election for a further year. The school will invite volunteer nominations for representatives from the newly started Reception classes and inform the Chair by the end of September.

If a Parent Council member acts in a way that is considered by other members to undermine the objectives of the Parent Council, their membership of the Parent Council shall be terminated if the majority of parent members agree.  Termination of membership would be confirmed in writing to the member by the Chair.


The minimum number of individuals required to constitute a Parent Council is 7 although there is no requirement for a quorum at any meeting.


The Parent Council meets between 1.45pm to 3.15pm. Meeting dates are available on the school website and published on our termly events.  An agenda is produced for each meeting in consultation between the Chair person and the Head Teacher.  This is distributed in advance of the meeting to all members.