School Meals

Children may either have a school lunch, bring their own sandwiches or go home for lunch. Hot, nutritional school meals are cooked in our school kitchen. The School Meals service is provided in-house by a professional team of cooks and general assistants. Lunchtime Supervisors, along side our Teaching Assistants, care for the children during their lunchtime. There is a choice of main meals and puddings and water is provided.
The cost of school meals for children in KS2 is currently £2.70 per day. If this should alter we will let you know as soon as possible. All School meals, including universal free school meals and free school meals need to be booked in advance through the Relish website, where you can choose the meal that best suits your child. Dinner money can be paid weekly, monthly or half termly and must be paid via the My Child at School app (MCAS), our electronic payment system.
Relish login link:
Account support email:
The school meals menus are nutritionally balanced based on the principles of
- Reducing salt
- Reducing sugar
- Reducing fat
- Increasing fibre
Good manners and high standards of behaviour apply at lunchtimes as well as during the rest of the school day.
Free School Meals
All children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to free school meals. Children are also entitled to free meals if their families are in receipt of certain benefits. Please speak to a member of our administrative team if you believe your child is eligible for free school meals. We would also be grateful if you could notify us of your eligibility even if you do not wish your child to have a free meal.
Packed Lunches
We encourage the children when they first start school in Reception to have a hot school meal if possible. If your child does bring a packed lunch to school, we would strongly urge you to include a cooler block in the lunch box during the warmer months. Within this packed lunch please ensure that sugary and fizzy drinks, chocolate, sweets, fried crisps are omitted. We are a Nut Free school so please refrain from sending your child in with products containing, or likely to contain nuts.
We provide children in Reception with a drink of milk at break time up until Christmas at no cost to parents.
Other Drinks
Only drinks in small cartons or suitable flasks are allowed in school. We encourage all of the children to bring a drink to school with them to access throughout the day. No fizzy drinks, cans or glass bottles are allowed in school.
All children in Key Stage One receive a piece of fruit free of charge daily. Children in Key Stage Two can purchase a snack from our school kitchen (toast and a cup of juice) for 50p a day. If you would like your child to have a snack from school it should be booked termly in advance and paid for on MCAS. All children can bring a small healthy snack to eat at break time, for example; fruit, cheese, rice cakes, healthy cereal bars, vegetables, breadsticks, olives, houmous, malt-loaf. We are a nut free school. Please do not send your child into school with the following; biscuits, chocolate, crisps or sweets, we endeavour to encourage healthy eating habits during the school day.
Children should not consume food or drink on the school premises, including the school grounds, unless supervised by a member of staff.